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Friday, June 13, 2008

It has begun...

Its June 13th, and our Team World Vision Training squad (myself included) are all back from Ethiopia this week. While we try to dump our JET lag, catch up on sleep, get back into the groove or yard work, family life, and gasp our employment... We look at the calendar and see the date.

Friday June 13th. GASP!!! The week of June 9th - 15th is the first week of Chicago Marathon training. So we are already almost a week behind. So the first "long run" of 10 miles will be a bit
tougher given the 3+ weeks off from running.

As the training runs begin and the miles start ratcheting up, you'll see that destination Addis Ababa number climb closer and closer to the 7563 mile goal. As for now, its time to hit the sac and get some shuteye before the run tomorrow.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Hello ... Party of four, your table is ready

..... Party of four, your table is ready. We have returned home safely, and our Adoption Journey for E2 is now complete. Our two weeks in Ethiopia were remarkable, memorable, and changed us all, including our 3 year old E1. Mama, Papa, E1, and E2 are all doing well. Catching up on sleep, and we are all getting used to each other. Thank you to all that thought of us and prayed for us. The snafu's during our two weeks would have certainly been worse had it not been for those of you praying for us.
