After reading "How does a dinasour get well soon" for like the hundredth time, E2 decided he wanted to tell a story himself last night before bed about his foxy. I already know this is not going to come out nearly as cute as it was being there, but I will try. We just bunked up the boys bed, so E2 is on the bottom bunk. I turn off the light and he turns on his flashlight and starts the story:
e2: "Once upon a time.....WHAT WAS THAT!"
mama: "That was just papa closing K's door"
e2: "Oh, once upon a time there was a big monster and ....WHAT WAS THAT!"
mama: "That is just the shadow of my hand from the flashlight, see...(I wiggle my fingers"
e2: "Ohhhhh, once upon a time, there was a big little mouse...WHAT WAS THAT!"
mama: "That was the shadow of your hand silly, see, wiggle your fingers"
e2: "Ohhh, there was a big, no, a little mouse and a bunny"
mama: "I thought this story was about Foxy??" mama hands him his Foxy
mama: "that was the shadow from your Foxy, see..." mama shakes Foxy in front of flash light
e2: "and the bunny liked to eat carrots and pink lemonade....."
mama:"pink lemonade??? I think we better finish this story up tomorrow....good night sweet pea and turn off that flash light before you scare yourself again"