So there you have it. $10 and a turkey on wheat for a 1/2 of day of sitting around.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Justice is a dish best served... On wheat?
As if the family didnt have enough going on. I got a jury summons. Repeated calls to ask to be deferred fell on deaf ears. Spent the morning with 150ish of my closest new friends trying to avoid falling asleep while waiting and waiting and waiting, and oh yeah. Waiting some more. In the end, they did not need many jurors, so many of us were sent home. But not before being told we could still go down into the dinning hall to pickup our "jury" sandwiches.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Whats in a Basement...
Its been on the todo list for gosh. over a year I guess. But I was always curious as to what a basement remodel, a whole heck of a lot of sweat equity, and some necessities would run. I finally tallied up the costs for our basement remodel.
$4,224.25 Was the total. I must admit that I'm pretty impressed. Considering the extras, and some issues that came about. Now I'll have to admit. The costs of the paint and the super discounted area rugs are not included. So I dunno. Tack on another $100 to $150 tops.
Some breakdowns. about $1786.91 of this cost was the flooring and underlayment. 42% of the overall project costs. Ouch! But we wanted the nicer faux stone laminate flooring. Its looks great!
The ceiling cost about 781.56, or about 19% of the overall costs.
The cost of new tools (heck what would be project be if you can't land yourself some new tools. For me the biggest was biscuit jointer. LOVE IT!!) was only $156.16. Even Jodie can't complain about that.
The rest was for 2x4 lumber for framing, the can lights, electrical supplies, etc etc.
Oh yeah, one of the most important breakdown. about $10 in candy. Mostly Spree and Twizzlers as the checkout aisle in Menards. Hey a man has to eat!!
Whats in store? A master bathroom remodel. Something tells me that $4224 is not gonna cut it, but you never know. We got J, the master tile layer on board. So except for new fixtures, its just some basic rewiring, the extend of the new drywall will be determined. Cost for a dumpster, and possibly a plumber thrown in for final hookups. Stay tuned in 2012!
Court Report

N and I flew back to Bucha last week for our big day in court. I expected some big Peary Mason type court room with a judge in a robe and huge bench with a gaval, but in reality, it was an office in the court room so there was no shock and awe. I was suppose to have an official translator there as i kept hearin T in the back of my head saying "don't be stupid J, ask for a translator, what are you going to do if he asks you something and you can't answer?". Well the translator never showed up and the attorney said the case would have to be postponed unless I could prove to them I understood Spanish. Oh poo! Our translator assured the attorney that I understand Spanish PERFECTLY! I thought I was going to have a panic attach right there in the middle of the floor. Sure, I had on my cute red Colombian shoes and sure I can understand my 5 yr old, but a judge and legal munbo jumbo? That is a whole new ball game. So they hand me the documents and ask me to start reading out loud at the counter. Ok ok, all looks good, names spell right, I understand.....first test passed, next onto the judges room. N is so undone, she hates any kind of office buildings and freaks out. I tell the attorny if she throws a raging fit, i wouldnt be able to focus on the translation, luckly, they buy her some snacks and when we are called into the judge's office, she is content to sit in the chair and chomp on her snack. Window is open and noise from the street and the door is open with noise from the office, I pull the chair right up to the judge's desk and lean way in, direct eye contact and listening intently to every word....he says he will speak slowly so it is easier for me to understand him, good I am thinking. He goes through our responsibiities toward our daughter quickly and they starts talking about how young and pretty I am???? Hands me the paper to sign and we are done. The attorney cant believe it and makes it sound to the translator that i bewitched him or something crazy. I am turning a hundred shades of red while she is talking afterwards. Telling the story afterwards I realized that in my intent to make sure I was clear on everything he was saying, my body language could have been sending a WHOLE different message...OOPS! Must have been those hot little Colombian red shoes! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! We are officially a family of 6! Now we just need to figure out how to get her back into the US!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Reading of the Day
Shared with my from E1's Godmother.
Reading of the Day ...
Psalm 116:1-2 “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
When is a punch in the face fun?
A punch in the face is fun, when the alternative is a kick in the groin, a club to the stomach, and a rock to the head. At least thats what devastating news feels like today. Please pray for our family. That we may be reunited very soon.
EL Penol!

Friday, August 19, 2011
Good bye Bucha for now and HELLO lovely Lady!

After wrestling N into the airport kicking and screaming and a barf fest on the way into town, we left our apartment digs in busy town of Bucharamanga after two and a half weeks and arrived in the beautiful city of Medellin. At one glance, i decided i am going to punch any adoptive family who is adopting from Medellin and dares complain about spending 5 weeks in this place. It is pure paradise! At the same time, I am super sad for all the Bucha families that only see Bogota and my boys :( . I am not regretting the decision to come here for one min. and would encourage other families to do the same, even if it is only for a few days.
We had an amazing time here and missed so much. It is easy to forget we are not on vacation here and that there are things that need to be done in Bogota, so alas, we will head, begrudgingly back to Bogota then back to Bucha and will remember our days here fondly as we will surely return when the kids are a big older.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tale of the Giant Bug
So of course the boys arn't around and N drags me into the kitchen and points at the hanging laundry at the end of the room. I look bewildered at the laundry wondering what the heck she is saying. In all my spanish, I have never heard this word before. She repeats it more insistantly and I walk over and start wondering if she want to change into one of the dresses hanging on the line. I pull each one forward and she say no no no. I come to one of K's red dresses and she gets all excited. I tell her tomorrow she can wear it but she is still shaking her head. That when I notice a ciacada looking bug that is the side of a bird sitting on the hanger! I don't remember what i uttered at that point but N starts yelling "Mata lo mata lo" (kill it kill it) and she is clearly terrified by its presence. All I am thinking is "with what? A baseball bat! That thing is huge and my clean laundry is hanging below it!" So I decide to go the tupperware route and trap it between a container and a lid, not sure what I am going to do if the plan fails and it starts flying around the apartment. Luckily, the plan is successful and I now have it banging around in this tupperwere container. And then, the thing started to scream, like blood curdling, my arm is in a car door, ear bleeding scream like hundreds of little fairies dying. What the heck is going on E2 would say! So as qucikly as i could, I rushed the thing over to the window and set it free. Be free nasty screaming bug, and go bug someone else!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hmmmmmm....big sigh
Trying to be brutally honest here and well, it has been 2 straight weeks of 24-7 K. Some might say what we are seeing is a result of adding a new sister, but I would whole heartedly disagree. I think what we are seeing is K's behaviors that have been occurring for the last year without the benefit of the distractions of everyday life. You know, the stuff you can ignore on a daily basis because of work, the internet, tv and distractions of activities and day care. What we are seeing in her behaviors makes me question her brain development and how the connections were originally made as they seem to be totally and completely mis-wired. My initial thought was that she has the emotional maturity of a 2 yr old which is what we have been told by her therapist. But that doesn't seem to explain it either. Her reactions to everyday situations are opposite what they should be. Your brother gets hurt, you laugh and mock him. Your sister brushes your leg getting off the couch, you would think your arm was cut off. I have lost track of the number of poor choices that have been made during the last 2 weeks which include but are not limited to sticking finger everywhere they shouldn't be, doors, body parts (in full length mirror none the less...ick!), etc, dumping a cup of laundry soap in the toilet, soiling your pants, forgetting how to put in socks, forgetting to not start peeing before sitting on the toilet. A total and complete lack of cause and effect thinking. And then there are the blank stares. Oh the blank stares...totally checked out in another world, as the strangers at the ball parked remarked, in her own little world, stepping into traffic, falling countless time because she is not watching where she is going, stuck on the toilet because she is staring blankly at the wall and can't seem to put the thoughts together as to how to get off. We have used every therapeutic technique we know in the last 2 weeks and it seems like nothing is getting through. Oh honey, I know it is hard for you to remember how to get off the toilet so take as much time as you need.....I read these stories of other kids that have had malnutrition, trauma, unknown histories, etc, I fear for your future little girl, I fear that you are driving your siblings away with your bullying and mocking, I fear that your birthday parties will all be with adults because the other kids at school tell me how you hit them or were mean to them, I am afraid of how you will navigate through this challenging world without the skills of logic. I wonder if we can teach you, and if you will ever learn.......
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Moving Along
Went to the notary today for some more signatures and all the kids seemed to be in a funk. Seems like its a combination of tired and not wanting to be sitting at a notary that early in the morning. Also got N's visa photos today. I had tried my dark colored shirt on her yesterday, and she was having none of it, so with everyones moods today, I was expecting the worst, but she smiled like a champ. Should be a pretty cute picture.
Have I mentioned how everyone here is drop dead gorgeous? Even this homeless man on the sidewalk we keep walking by could be in the cover of GQ. I suppose just because you are hot doesn't mean you cant be homeless. We were at the club swimming the other day and my pasty white self was feeling pretty self conscious among all the sharply dressed, beautifully tan and chiseled folks doing lap after lap in the pool or soaking up the rays while I hid under my t-shirt and hat hoping not to get scalded. Amazing how noticable those few extra pounds suddenly seem in a bathing suit when you start to feel like everyone around you just walked off the cover of a magazine. I do however know that in order to be so sharply dressed all the time, you need to have HOT shoes and there is an abudance of SHOES here that Car*rie Brads*haw would drool over. Starting to wonder how many pairs I can fit in my carry on. Good thing sis is coming!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Parque De Agua

Monday, August 8, 2011
I don't miss it. Ok well maybe a little.
During our time in Colombia, we had a chance to head over to "the club" and go swimming. They had a pretty nice lap pool. I think it might have been a 50m length. But after only a few hundred meters I was done. I did swim a few more lengths a bit later. But it was nice. Not like I want to sign up for a half ironman tomorow. But the workout was different. I could tell my cardio fitness level wasn't so hot. Not sure where or how I'd get any lap time in with 4 nuggets running around the house. But it would be nice.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Something to talk about..
At least within our family this has kicked off some interesting discussions. I'll leave the politics and personal commentary out of this for the time being and see what the chatter comes back as.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
My Rules for Life...
I've been saying some of these for years. And I do actually follow them. Just as J, as she gets frustrated when I stop for #1. Feel free to add you own. These are just the top ones that came to mind this evening.
Life is to short to pass some things by. Here are some of my own personal rules to life by. Note that they are heavily influenced by my world travels.
- Never pass up buying a glass of lemonade from kids at a lemonade stand (and don't be cheap, let them keep the change)
- Never pass up a twix bar at the checkout line. You know know when or if you'll have a chance for another.
- Never pass up a chance to use a "nice" bathroom. You might be really sorry what your options could be later.
- Never pass up a warm/hot shower. You might be really sorry you did, and you might not have another chance for a long long long time.
- Snickers bars were made to eaten frozen. Any other way, well, shame on you...
- (been said before by others, but I totally agree) Never pass up a chance to hug or kiss one of your kids.
- Think of something you love about your wife/spouse, everyday. You might be mad, or arguing, or resentful, or just flat out pissed at each other at times. But you are still a team, and you can't do it alone.
Monday, August 1, 2011
When is the Congo not Congo? When its Colombia...
The area GSM system coming and going with the Electrical blackout/ power rationing versus ADSL+ all the time
No comfort food to be found anywhere versus abundant Chocolate, Beer, Pasta, and everything else you can find in a fully stocked grocery/department store.
(initially) Gut wrenching, ulcer producing stress versus relaxed days with siesta time
rice, sauce, and some type of meat (think stew) versus empanadas with the most to die for picante you've ever laid a taste bud on
Not a lick of English (only French or Lingala) to be found versus .. ok not a lick of English (a variety of Spanish) to be found
Hot, dry, dusty, not enough of a breeze to cool you down versus Hot, BRIGHT sunny, daily showers, moderate humidity.
Not a family member within 7000 miles versus having had the whole Clan right next to you to share an amazing experience!
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