(Sharing a short message I shared with a number of friends that I have the good fortune to run with on Saturdays)
First off Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all you fine Gentleman. I'm very happy and proud to be a part of this dedicated group. And I mean dedicated as we had one of our largest turnouts this morning even though it was about 13 degrees. Thank you.
While running I was sharing a story with Dan and Dave (names changed) that I had been reflecting on the Newtown shootings. About the violence we hear about daily downtown [in the City]. On my way to run with you guys I have to pass Planned Parenthood (twice every Saturday). I think about the people going in, and about the people that are always outside praying. As I was telling Dan/Dave it just seems that the pendulum has swung so far to the left in our society and I keep waiting for it to swing back a little. I can't say I was depressed, but I was having a prolonged moment thinking about us (humanity) our role and purpose on this Earth. I thought about how the Earth really is Satan's domain, and we are here to learn, to love, and if we accept it (him), eventually be called home when our "job" has been completed. I thought of Lot (or was it Abraham dont recall) and how the Lord was going to destroy that city, but Lot says would you destroy it if there were 50 believers. If there were 15, if there were only 5. And the Lord ended up saving the city.
I know the Lord hears us. But are we saying the right things. Are we praying for the right things. Anyway, I had this weird correlation come to mind. It was about a scene in the cartoon movie Horton Hears a Who. There is a scene in the end in which the Who's were going to be destroyed and Horton couldn't protect them. The Who's needed to make a loud noise (think a loud Joyful noise). It wasn't working, they needed EVERYONE every voice to help. To raise the message.. "We are here.. We are here... We are here"..
its my new Mantra for awhile. In my prayers, while reflecting on today's society, about the violence that I can't make sense of, about the hurting Children that are arming themselves and hurting/killing others. I'm thinking "we are here we are here, we are here".
I know the Lord hasn't turned his back to us. But Maybe we've stopped using our voices. Maybe we are not loud enough. Maybe if more Christian raised their voices, and made a Loud Joyful noise, maybe we (humanity) would be given a new direction...
Anyway.. I'm not a poet or writer so maybe I cant explain the tie between the thoughts so well. But here is a YouTube clip of the entire scene in the moving. If you watch it, and think about it in a Relgious Context.. Raising our voices to the Lord "We are Here"... maybe the point will be shared
Have a blessed Christmas and New Years..