Never Marry a man who has no friends ... Steer clear of someone whose life you can run, who never makes demands counter to yours. It's good to have a doormat in the home, but not if it's your husband.
Enjoy your day!
What would you do, how far would you go, how much would you sacrifice to aid your family, to save a loved one? This blog details our journey in how far our family is willing to go to come to the aid of those in need.
Never Marry a man who has no friends ... Steer clear of someone whose life you can run, who never makes demands counter to yours. It's good to have a doormat in the home, but not if it's your husband.
Destination Colombia (Bogota): |
1 comment:
Wise words indeed...
As a fellow adoptive parent, I thought to write and tell you about the new guest home in Ethiopia specifically for adoptive parents and volunteer groups for the benefit of orphans in Ethiopia. Now that it is up and running, we would love to share the vision with other adoptive parents. You can see more at
If you would like to post a link, send me an email at and I’ll forward you the information.
Dave McIlrath, MA
Orphan Advocate
Ethiopia Guest Home
More Than a Place to Stay
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