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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Facebook or Blogging

There's been an undercurrent in the household the past months. Friends have been urging "you should get a face book account" or "you should setup a page". Etc Etc. So if i did it correctly there should be a poll on the blog right now asking who's got a facebook page, and would you still be interested in following along with these musing if there were there instead? Why would I switch? I guess because I could only allow people I know "in" and as such I could post pictures, and start using real names rather than pseudonym's

So if "Tri for Hope, Sacrifice with purpose" moved in some fashion to facebook would you still
follow along? How many of you have facebook pages?

1 comment:

Sha Zam- said...

I have a facebook page, but I don't like hanging out in there. Blogs seem more personal to me anyway. Plus you can link your blog updates to your FB page/status, but not the other way around.