I was reading a family’s adoption story the other day on their blog and was totally and completely blown away at how God has moved on their behalf through their adoption journey. It was really an awe inspiring story, the kind of story you hear about in amazement on the news or during a moving homily at church. When we started our adoption journey for E1, we had that kind of story, but we also had more doubts than the number of rasinettes I could eat in any give day. E1’s adoption story was a blow your hair back on your head, awe inspiring, really flipping amazing, can’t possibly deny God’s presence in story. And T and I both love telling it to anyone who will listen. As we begin our 4th journey, I look back on E2 and K’s adoption stories and don’t really see anything that I would define as awe inspiring. What I do see the quiet presence of our Lord through the highs and lows of these adoption journeys. I see how my doubt or questioning was answered through faith in Him, I see how He walked with us along the long and winding path, and I see why He knew that E2 and K would fit seamlessly into our hearts and our family.
In my selfishness of wanting to have that awe inspiring story for all my kids, I failed to realize that we didn’t need an awe inspiring story for E2 or K’s adoption and we don’t need an awe inspiring story for #4 either. God spoke to us six years ago to put us on this path. We have been walking on that path ever since. It’s like asking for directions on how to get to Route 64 when you are already on Route 64 (sorry T, had to throw that one in there!). I have no doubt that God will lead us back to the path if we stray, but right now, he is quietly dropping supportive families and friends, resources and guidance in our path for this 4th adoption journey. The blessings we have received over the past 6 years have been indescribable. Our God is an amazing God and doing His will is awe inspiring in and of itself. And when we tell E2 and K their adoption stories, they will know it as well.
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