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Monday, July 30, 2012

Adoption Ethics and Orphanage Care

Adoption is about loss, loss of a birth family, loss of a culture, a country. There is no way around it. As I read this blog post http://www.gracelings.org/2012/07/guest-post-walking-away-from-ugandan.html last week about a failed Ugandan adoption, it stirred many feelings in me and our 4 adoptions. We adopted first out of selfishness. We wanted a family. Our first adoption, we were ignorant. We were more concerned about buying the best baby stroller than the fact that our need for a young baby was driving a horrific supply and demand chain that was playing out in Guatemala with mothers selling their babies to enable them to feed their other children. Hindsight is always 20/20 and once our eyes were open, we realized our agency was doing little to better the conditions in Guatemala. They were a business and out to make a buck. For our second adoption in Ethiopia, we chose an agency with a fantastic child sponsorship program that was working hard to keep families together. They were building schools and other improvements to strengthen communities. About that time, we got involved with World Vision and started raising money on our own to keep families together and build communities along with sponsoring a child from our kids birth countries. It seemed like such a small thing to do to try and swing the pendulum away from the quick and easy answer of adoption to help enable kids to be raised by extended families and supported to attend school. We mindfully stepped further in this direction when we adopted from Congo, choosing to work with a group that was not about adoption, but about improving conditions in the DRC. We also chose to adopt out of birth order, enabling us to provide a home for an older child and not feed a supply and demand chain as agencies rushed to open pilot programs in the DRC when Ethiopian adoptions began to slow. But we failed, again. Failed to question, failed to go beyond the lemming mindset of adoptive parents, failed stand up and say, “Hey! This isn’t right, I demand more information”. Don’t get me wrong, we love our daughter, and with all her challenges, we will not give up on her, but damn it, she had an option that would have allowed her to stay in her birth country. An option that not many orphans have in the DRC, of a loving Godly single woman that cared deeply for her that we would have more than willingly supported. We could have impacted 6 lives through a sponsorship of this single mother of 4 kids had we known at the time ! But sponsorship is messy, right? It take time to locate and check out families willing to foster and reporting to make sure corruption isn’t involved and visits to check on the children and and and…. It’s much cleaner and easier for an NGO to build a brick a mortar building with shiny new floors, beds and mattresses to house more orphans than to actually go out and find foster families willing to love and raise these children in a family setting. We stopped building orphanages in the US over 50 years ago, but for Africa, LET’S GO BUILD ANOTHER ORPHANAGE! We can’t claim to be helping when we are just perpetuating a system that has already failed once. The best and the fanciest institutional care facility cannot replace a family. If you are truly not about adoption, then investigate these kids backgrounds before they are referred to an adoptive family, find out if there is a family member or neighbor willing to step forward with a little support, find out if the only reason the child has been relinquished is because the family cannot afford a life saving surgery or medicine, find out if the birth mother passed away in child birth and the family just can’t afford formula, then use the funds that would have gone into brick and mortar to keep a family together. Then come back and tell me you aren’t about adoption and I might consider believing you.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that single mom loved K. But could she have helped K with her Psycological problems? Those problems were there when she was found weren't they? While she lived with that family didn't she exhibit problems? Are they equipped in DRC to give her the help she needs to become hopefully a 'normal' woman?

Your blog was so enlightening Jodie, but I felt unsettled when you began to talk about K and her situation. I don't think her staying in the DRC would have been the better choice for K, but I don't have a crystal ball. I only know that you and T are bending over backward to help her become a 'normal' functioning woman. I truly wonder if that would have happend in the DRC. What would have been her chances of even surviving.

Hope we can getogether & share.

Feeling troubled,

Julie www.aboutourhouse.blogspot.com said...

What a wonderful post, Jodie! I really loved getting to know you more this weekend and hearing more of K's story.

True, there are a lot of 'what if's' but the Lord is Sovereign and I think He knew what He was doing when He put K in your family!

Much love!

Jodie said...

God obviously has a plan for K that we don't know yet and that plan includes us as her family. My point was more using her as an example of how options in an orphan's birth country are too easily overlooked. We chose to adopt from DRC through a particular agency because we believed the children they were adopting out had no other options when in reality, the agency we worked with did little to search out other options. It is a misnomer when you go out and tell everyone you arn't about adoptions, but bettering conditions in the DRC, but then use adoption as the only option and don't consider anything else or bother to do an investigation before referring a child to determine what if any options exist.

Holly said...


Wow. Thanks for the great post. At the time, I felt like we did a pretty good job searching out the family of our girls. Looking back now, I do have a question mark in my mind. Did we? I have changed in the 2 years since their adoption and if we had met them today I think I would have tried harder and done all the messy work you mention. I suppose that's what motivates me now to work on reunification and domestic situations.

Also, to comment on anonymous "M"'s comment. I don't want to specifically talk about K's situation, but in general it is a good point that Jodie brings up. At what point do we argue that a child is better off in a developed country like the U.S. (b/c of better health care, resources for special needs, etc) than with their family (let's say that a family had been found in the investigation) or a domestic adoption/sponsorship situation? In the end, we could probably say that effects of extreme poverty and abandonment make any child that is orphaned have special needs (some potentially more severe than others), and then therefore we could argue (with M's logic) that all children in these situations would be better off in the U.S. than in their home country even if family was found and wanting them. So, why investigate anything really? Are we therefore not "saving" children from DRC by adopting them and so why bother with ethics and investigations b/c in the end it doesn't matter because they will be better off in the states (I feel like this would be the logical conclusion of your comment, even if you didn't intend to take it this far).

I feel like every child, independent of their medical conditions and/or special needs, has the right to a thorough investigation and to remain with their family and country of origin, if possible.

Anonymous said...

Have you read the book the Secret Daughter? I found it to be a really good fiction book. Totally unrelated to your situation, but also explores the what if's.

Anonymous said...

It sounds kind of like you're trashing K's adoption agency in this post, which is long overdue from a lot of people.