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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sometimes the reminders are good reminders

Got a good piece of advice.  Heard it before.  Lots of times before.  But sometimes, its just good to hear things again.  We're human. We forget things sometimes.  Things are not always in the forefront of conscious thought.

"Just take one moment at a time.  Then one day at a time"

Can't get to the finish by watching the finish line, else we'll trip on the obstacles in the way.

[adoption disclaimer]
this post is not adoption related or related to anything kid initiated in the house.  Its just a Ted thing, about keeping focus a little closer rather than long term.
[/adoption disclaimer]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha, love the adoption disclaimer . Once again Tex, you are far wiser than your years.
M xo