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Thursday, October 11, 2012

To hell and back again

I know, I know, it has been awhile, but to be honest, it has been a rough month. As i sat back a couple of days ago trying to collect my thoughts, I realized it was Sept of 2011 when we first saw how bad things were with K in Colombia when the proverbial shit hit the fan. We find ourselves a year later seeing one horrific behavior on top of another and for me personally, feeling like we are no closer to healing than we were a year ago. T, thankfully has taken the glass half full approach, in that he and our neuro-reorg practitioner feel all this is trauma coming out and now we can help her process and heal. That sound great to me, except by glass half empty thinks we are one step away from juevi or a group home for her. In the last week alone, we have been to the police station with her (she is 5, remember) and she almost electrocuted herself to death in a fit of rage at school. She is in a therapeutic class remember. Unlike before, when her school behavior tanked, her behavior at home remained fairly steady, ah yah, not so much this time. There are considerable periods of time where she is either checked out, in a rage, or in a state of constant hyper vigilance unable to stop herself from asking question after question after question, then the lying, she will lie about the shirt color she is wearing if it suits her. So many pieces and parts, is it the fetal movements with the neuro reorg unlocking something (if it is, that is a good thing)? the EMDR therapy? The school work? The change of seasons? I have no idea, and don't even know if it matters, the boat is rocking and we are holding on for dear life.


Anonymous said...

T & J Stay strong. God Loves you and your Family and he will Look over you. Please know that you are Loved!
B & D :)

Holly said...

Praying for you guys all the time. You are so loved. Praying for strength in the days ahead. Hang in there.