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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Gift

Merriam-Webster (online) defines a gift as:
1. a notable capacity, talent, or endowment
2. something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation

Woke up this morning, intent on starting the journey to drop 10lbs.  My diet has been decent, but my amount of exercise I get now has diminished. No surprise there is a corresponding uptick in stress and paunch in the midsection.  Went out for a run, normal path.  Wasn't easy, and to be honest, wasn't really fun.  But I've never been know as one that runs for "fun".  Heck the word "Sacrifice" is right there in the blog name. 

Got home. Got ready for work.  Here the yelling and screaming that occurs all to frequent in the house in the morning when someone is doing something they shouldnt have.  Talked #3 down from the ledge so to speak (at least there was a calmness there).  Ate breakfast.  Drove to work.  Listening to some music that just flowed through my.  Thought about some passages that I read last night during Adoration.  I became aware of myself "my felt sense" I suppose.

I was calm.  I had a peace about me.  Despite a not so fun run, what could have been a day wrecking start with the kids, despite some anxiety about a performance review at work today.  I was calm, and at Peace.  Happy even.

A gift.  

A gift whose effect was not lost on me, and fully appreciated.  Merriam-Webster says a gift something voluntarily transferred to another without (the expectation of) compensation.  That maybe be true, though I'm feeling good, and I hope I have the chance today to pass this onto someone else today.

Some gifts are meant to be shared...


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