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Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Power of Art

Art is an expression of self in its purest form. When you intertwine an artist's passion to create with your deep personal story the art becomes an inseparable part of you as your body becomes the canvas and your trust in the artist grows exponentially. My journey began with a simple idea. In the beginning I wasn't aware of the profound impact this journey would have on me. How it would bring me back to life during my darkest days. How is would teach me trust. How it would leave me in awe of God's gifts and creation. How it would challenge me to be brave and to be the me I have always seen when I looked in the mirror. To my artist, my dear friend: Thank you for the gift of your incredible and hauntingly beautiful art. I am so blessed beyond words that our paths crossed and am honored, so very honored. If tattoos are truly a window to the soul, my tattoos have captured mine perfectly.


Anonymous said...

I'm anxious to see your newest piece of art. Based on this blog, you've come a long way Jodie. Also, it sounds like a day & a half away has brought you a sense of peace. BIG hug to you my sweet.
M <3

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Can't wait to see!

Liz P said...

I'll show you mine if you show me yours ;-)

Anonymous said...

Just re read your blog. Can I say 'ya did good'