The boys and I spent a nice weekend together while papa was down in Texas at a surprise 40th birthday party. We had a great time at Spanish class yesterday, playing in the snow and fun at a Christmas party with our Guatemala play group. I imagined with Papa, the enforcer gone, the boys would try to push the limits with me so I was a bit shocked when I caught them playing on the stairs yeterday:
Mama to E1 "Boys...What's rule number one???"
E1 to Mama "Always listen to mama????"
Mama (in a bit of shock at the response) to E1 "Ahhh...that's pretty good E, but I was thinking of the rule about not playing on the stairs!"
With the exception of E2 breaking his fall onto the ceramic tile with his face yesterday (tooth into lip, blood everywhere) and a large scratch on his nose from WWF smackdown with his new 4 year old girlfriend, we are all in one far! and the cats, dog and fish have all been feed as well and medicine given and the house is still in some semblance of order, I even learned how to use a beader on Friday....I know, I can't believe it either!
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