I'm all for any holiday traditions that involve torching something or throwing something on the roof, so I jumped at the idea of incorporating Ano Viejo, a Colombian tradition into our family traditions. Here are the steps:
1. Make a creepy looking doll out of old clothes and set on front porch for the week after Christmas or until the neighbors start whispering things about you.
2. Write all your baggage that you want to leave behind going into the New Year onto pieces of paper and stuff into creepy doll you have lovingly referred to as Ano Viejo during the past week (you know, I wonder if Ano Viejo is cold out there...I think Ano Viejo is staking me like a creepy clown, etc)
3. Now the best part! Torch that sucker!
Ano Viejo made me reflect on the finer points of our family and what makes us uniquely us:
Our kids walk around the house singing Le Mis.
Macaroni and Guacamole are the same thing here
We took 4 kids under 6 roller skating on Christmas Eve and no one broke a leg
We followed that by 3 kids under 5 at the dentist at the same time, done, done and done
Our Colombian daughter can Ethiopian shoulder dance and loves Doro Wat
There is a great debate currently whether what T & E saw whizzing by their heads in the basement was a bat or a bird.
Everyone calls nuts "gubas", its the only Lingala word we use, even when we are speaking Spanish, they are still gubas
Our 3 yr old has barfed everytime he has drank a mango lasse at our favorite Indian restaurant so he is now on a lasse-free diet
I caught myself before finishing the 8-mil e lyrics to "The Roof is on f ire" tonight
E2 loves telling the story about the time he fell off a camel on 'opia
The quote of the day is "Mom, can I have more rootbeer float? I horked down the first one"
I love my family!
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