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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Its Time trial time

Because of the long vacation I've somewhat gotten away from the 3 weeks build up, and testing on the 4th week. To get back on schedule, it decided this week would be time trial week. There were some difficult tests, the 12.75 mile run on Saturday really crushed me. Even still, the time trials showed improvements.

In the bike, I my average and peak HR were basically the same at 168 and 187 respectively. What really changed was the average speed, cadence, max speed and the distance. The previous time trial had an avg speed of 17.45 mph, a max of 19.86 mph, a cadence of 91 rpm, with a distance of 5.91. This time the average was 23.21 mph, a max of 24.67 mph, a cadence of 101 rpm, with a distance of 7.86.

For the run I went from a 173 AVG HR, 193 MAX HR to 174 AVG HR and 197 MAX HR. The distance remained about the same. Just about 3miles. I need to be careful about how I'm recording the distance on the run time trials, since I'm not sure if I included the build up period in the first ten minutes, or just the distance of the final 20 minutes.

Bottom line however, I've appeared to make some noticeable gains on the bike. All those body sculpt classes and the new weight training might be paying off. We'll see soon, since the first event of the year is coming up in just over 2 weeks. More on that in the coming days..


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