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Friday, July 20, 2007

Tri for Hope, Sacrifice with purpose...

Buried in my brain I have the remnants of a story, I am not sure where it was from. There was a fella watching another fella running full speed into a brick wall. Over and over... As expected the brick wall didn't crack, crumble, or fall. So the spectator asked, why do you keep running into that wall, you know you cant knock it down that way. The reply, "I run into the brick wall, because I can".

So its a silly little thought, that story, but it illustrates my point. Most people can do just about anything if they set their minds to it. A few years ago I would have never thought I would be able to swim 1.2 miles, follow it up with a 56 miles bike ride, and then top it off with a 13.1 mile (1/2 marathon) run. People have all sorts of reasons for doing what they do, even that fella running into the brick wall. For me, simply put, "because I can" is just not good enough. Not any more anyway.

Traveling through terribly impoverished areas in Belize, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador (and soon Ethiopia), has transformed me. We, in the United States, have so much. So much transportation, electricity, communication, TV. So much food. So much water. We are so blessed, and I suspect that many cannot even see it.

If I were born in Ethiopia, I could expect to die within the next 10years. The average male lives to be only 48 years old. 48!!

I probably cannot change the entire world. Although through Team World Vision Chicago and its efforts to help the poorest of the poor in Zambia and Ethiopia, I can certainly help to touch the families in those communities. As a result of Team World Vision we have a sponsor child named Geremew in the Guraghe region of Ethiopia. We have improved that young boy's life.

My wife and I are very spiritual, and devote practicing Catholics. We believe that the Lord does work in mysterious ways, and through each of us. I also believe that if I lift up my Joys, Gifts, Works, and my sufferings to the Lord for others, he will indeed help them.

So am I ready for this weekend? You bet! Bring on the blood, sweat, and tears. I have been given Beyond Measure, its time to give back..


p.s. If you read this, and you have not yet contributed to TWV or sponsored me, won't you help? Any amount, even $25 can help to save a life. You can help by clicking below:

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