Saturday night was the Team World Vision "team Pasta dinner". It was an evening of amazing witness, inspirational videos, and motivational testimony. Richard Stearns, the President of World Vision US was there and spoke of all the amazing works that World Vision is involved in. 500+ runners raised over 1/2 million dollars. Runners, Radio personalities, and a number of Pastors, and an army of friends and family all helped to pack a large banquet hall.
Tim and I were even asked to up and tell our story about how we met, our ties to Ethiopia, and how they all tie into our motivations for running the marathon. Pasta, pesto chicken, and some not so pre-race friendly but downright yummy, chocolate fudgy cheesecake like stuff.
It was a perfect, uplifting, and very motivating pre-race evening. "Where two or more are gathered" our Lord will be there. I suspect that we had a room filled with the Spirit...
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