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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The wonderful aroma of Ethiopian food.....

At last it was time on Friday for me to try my hand at cooking Ethiopian food. I consider myself a huge novice in this regard as I have only eaten Ethiopian food about 3 times, making it more challenging to figure out what everything is suppose to taste like. The spices and injera came from EthiopianSpices.com , the box smelled so good when it arrived I wanted to put some of the spices in a simmering pot! So with my berbere, shiro, koereima, koseret, wot kimem, turmeric, red lintels, and ground ginger, a huge bag of onions and a vat of oil, I set to work. Hubby came home from work and open the door to the smells of an Ethiopian restaurant. I tried my best to lay out a platter of food on a piece of injera, but ended up with the eggs from the Doro Wat rolling onto the floor before I made it to the table (3 second rule, right?). Our platter had Doro Wat which is a spicy red chicken stew, sega wot which is a red beef stew, kik Wot which is red lintel stew and shiro. I also served some bread with the neter kiba (seasoned butter...jury is still out on the butter, interesting flavor none the less) all was placed on the injera. I have to say, for my first try, I am pretty happy with the results, it all tasted pretty good by my standards. Next time I'll have to talk our friends children from Ethiopia into trying it to get a true sense of how good or bad it really is. Hopefully they will be gentle!


Jenn said...

it looks great jodie!! i just grin at how you all are a few weeks ahead of us in the process. i plan to do just what you did as soon as we get word our dossier has hit ethiopia. i'll be online ordering the berbere! :-)

Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting and creative on your part. Did Fessick get the eggs when they fell to the floor?
Good Luck!
Bonnie :)