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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In the last 2 weeks....

I have managed to break our eldest heart twice after we met two shelter dogs that didn't turn out to be right for our family. Tears were shed. I managed to notice that I have a meatball on toothpicks running around our house who I thoughtfully named butterball (wow, those christmas PJ are not flattering E2, but the thought of a meatball on toothpicks running around the house made me laugh so hard I peed my pants). I managed to eat an entire bag of dark chocolate pretzels in hopes that my larger butt would slow the descent into K's regressive behavior. It didn't work, but they were delish. I managed to frighten myself by realizing how often T and I end up on the same page these days. I managed to bury myself in paperwork and puppy finding last weekend so much so that I forgot the post office was closed on monday. I managed to send the blue footed boo-bie through the car wash cause I couldn't see out the windows any longer and if you got within 5' of it you could taste the salt. Besides, its always fun to see k's look of terror turn to a glee-ful squeal when the colored soap hits her window. I even managed to wash the kitchen floor in the last two weeks! yah ME (for washing the kitchen floor, not so much for eating all the chocolate)!

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