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Monday, March 28, 2011

1st times a charm. 2nd.. you're certifiable..

The first time you sign up and run a 50k, people just think your nuts or weird, or maybe just got a bad batch of coffee.

The second time you sign up, people begin to look at you with that "You did what?" look with the furled eyebrows. You know the look.

Well, the blog is Tri for Hope, Sacrifice with purpose. As always, the intentions are to do things "with purpose". In the gusty, cold wind of the lakefront, I completed my 2nd 50k. I didn't expect it to be easy, but I also didn't expect the wind and cold to make it as challenging as it did. Unofficial guesses between myself and another individual.. the wind might have accounted for an additional 30minutes of time out on the course. My first 1/3 split was quite blistering. At the half-way point, I know I was in for a long day, as I was close to tapped out. A combo of run/walk got me through the cold, numbness, and the legs doing their best to convince my brain that they were not capable of even walking anymore.

Certifiable? Perhaps. But I'll say this. If there's another 50k in my future, its not likely to be one on the Lakefront of Chicago in March. I'll leave that to the hardcore Ultra runners.


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