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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Adoption News!

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that formed for me, when as yot there was none of them." Psalm 139:13, 14, 16

We have a file for a beautiful 4 1/2 yr old little girl from Colombia and she has captured our hearts! We found out this week that our dossier was sent to Colombia for translation, and they will then hold it there for our I-800a approval. Our fingerprinting isn't until mid April, so we are praying that after we are fingerprinted, we will have the approval in hand quickly so IBCF can start reviewing our file.

Colombia's process works a bit different than our Guatemala adoption in that Colombia will first approve us to adopt, then they will send our file to the region the child is at and then they will approve us to adopt her specifically and officially give us her referral, so although we have her file, she has not be officially referred to us and there are several more steps that need to take place. For this reason, we are only sharing specifics about her with imediate family at this time until we have her official referral, which could be 4-5 months off. We appreciate all your prayers as we continue in this amazing journey!


Me. Us. She. said...

I think you and I emailed about her. I'm so happy that things are moving forward!!! (Amanda)

Jodie said...

Yes we did! We ended up sending in a Letter of Intent and are praying that her file was set aside while we gather up the paperwork

Kelly said...

Hi. I'm Kelly. We adopted our little girl from Cali, Colombia August 2010. I found your blog on the Colombia yahoo group. Just wanted to let you know if you are waiting to do your USCIS fingerprints, you don't have to. You can go as a walk in. Go 1st thing in the morning when they open, and you can walk right in. Just bring your form w/you.

Ted said...

Thanks for the suggestion Keely. After talking about it, that is just what we did. We went to our local ACS office about 8 days early. Online there are posts of little success out of this ACS, but we got out FP's done. So we gained back at least 1 week. Yes!