We were so excited to recieve another picture of baby E in the mail this morning! (we would have had it on Saturday if we would have remember to get the mail!) He looks so sweet in the picture with the rattle we sent him, the photo album and the cute little puppy dog outfit! He also looks like he has filled out out a bit from the last picture mid January, which is a good thing because he was so tiny in those pictures. We are trying to get a digital copy of the picture so we can print some copies out for the grandparent albums as well as an updated medical report to see that he is growing well. Only a few more days and our paperwork will be eligable to be submitted to court as the 3 month waiting peroid will be over, yipee!!!!
On another note, we wanted to wish Grandpa M a very happy birthday today. E sure loves his grandpa and prays for him every night at dinner and bed. Even though E is exhausting to grandpa with his boundless energy, we know that grandpa loves every minute of it by the smile on his face! Happy Birthday Grandpa!
After an exhausting weekend of a birthday party, bathroom floor tile and general cleaning, we are ready for the final push to complete the kitchen. The heating guy is here today to install the new heat registers, the granite should be here in the next few days and wrapup of the trim will be in progress. All that will be left by the end of the week should be the swap of the family room and living room which means, all furnature in the living room, carpet cleaning of the family room, move all furnature back into the family room, finish painting the living room then move furnature back where it belongs plus the minor issue of finishing the upstairs bathroom, but that is mostly T's job, right???!!!??, ugh!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The first step is admitting you have a problem...
I must admit I'm a little confused and perhaps a bit ashamed it has come to this. I would love to blame it on my wife, or perhaps on the house remodeling, long hours at work, the dog, anything. But I guess they say the first step is just admitting you have a problem (then perhaps owning up to responsibility for it).
Whatever the case. As I found myself sitting here at work. It was inescapable. The draw. The compulsion. It was simply to great.
(head hanging slumped down low)
My name is Ted, and I am a choco-holic.
(that evil nasty twix bar calling me from the vending machine two aisles over was just to much for me today).
..smile.. have a wonderful day
I must admit I'm a little confused and perhaps a bit ashamed it has come to this. I would love to blame it on my wife, or perhaps on the house remodeling, long hours at work, the dog, anything. But I guess they say the first step is just admitting you have a problem (then perhaps owning up to responsibility for it).
Whatever the case. As I found myself sitting here at work. It was inescapable. The draw. The compulsion. It was simply to great.
(head hanging slumped down low)
My name is Ted, and I am a choco-holic.
(that evil nasty twix bar calling me from the vending machine two aisles over was just to much for me today).
..smile.. have a wonderful day
Sending our LOVE to Baby E
It is a tradition with our adoption agency that waiting families ask families that are traveling to take pictures of the children they are waiting for to help ease the waiting period. Right now, as a waiting family, we have requested pictures from a family that traveled yesterday. When it is our turn to travel, we will in turn ask waiting families if they would like us to take pictures of their kiddos when we are in Ethiopia. Which brings me to our special care package we sent to Baby E via the traveling family.
Now I have heard of cyber hugs (hugs given over e-mail when someone is feeling down) and I have heard of ear hugs (thanks to T's mom), but until this week, I had never heard of or thought of a kindered spirit hug (I call it that because all of us as adoptive parents know the empty spot you feel in your heart when your child is thousands of miles away from you). I sent an e-mail to the family traveling on the 18th to pick up their son asking if they could take some pictures of baby E for us. A short while later, I recieved a response letting me know that they would be glad to take some pictures and would give him a big hug for us. Well, that set off the waterworks! It was so touching to me that another family on so important a journey themselves would be, in a few days holding and hugging our little guy for us. I feel like I am reaching half way around the world to give our little guy a hug through this family. God is Great!
Now I have heard of cyber hugs (hugs given over e-mail when someone is feeling down) and I have heard of ear hugs (thanks to T's mom), but until this week, I had never heard of or thought of a kindered spirit hug (I call it that because all of us as adoptive parents know the empty spot you feel in your heart when your child is thousands of miles away from you). I sent an e-mail to the family traveling on the 18th to pick up their son asking if they could take some pictures of baby E for us. A short while later, I recieved a response letting me know that they would be glad to take some pictures and would give him a big hug for us. Well, that set off the waterworks! It was so touching to me that another family on so important a journey themselves would be, in a few days holding and hugging our little guy for us. I feel like I am reaching half way around the world to give our little guy a hug through this family. God is Great!
Floor tile, paint, and (gasp) Race Schedules
The kitchen is moving along. Lots of changes in the last week. Kitchen floor tile is in and grouted. The window trim is about 30% done, and could be finished today or tomorrow. The cabinets are to arrive today, and are set for install tomorrow. YEAH! Next week the electrician is back to wire up the appliances and whatnot. The radiant heat guy will be by next week to install the new baseboard units. The granite gets measured early next week, and should be set for install the following week. Lastly, the plumber will be back (after the granite is in) to hookup the fixtures, toilets, etc. So its all coming together. Rumor is.. a functional kitchen by the 28th.
The upstairs bathroom is getting the last coats of paint. Jodie will be doing tile install in the coming days. After we install the vanity and vanity top, then all thats left will be for the plumber to install the fixtures. So that will be done very soon.
On a completely different note.. The 2008 race schedule will likely be lighter than 2007. Especially with a chunk of summer being dedicated to adoption related activities. Triathlons are going to be the odd man out probably. I hope to compete in my 5th local hometown tri, and my 4th Chicago Accenture. Not sure yet. I have already registered for the Great Western half marathon in Early May, and for the 2008 Chicago Marathon. There is a new 1/2 marathon in the local area that I'll probably register for (Especially since the course literally goes about 1 block from our house). So keep an eye on the blog, soon, I'll be updating the race links on the right side.
Peace to all this Lenton Season
The upstairs bathroom is getting the last coats of paint. Jodie will be doing tile install in the coming days. After we install the vanity and vanity top, then all thats left will be for the plumber to install the fixtures. So that will be done very soon.
On a completely different note.. The 2008 race schedule will likely be lighter than 2007. Especially with a chunk of summer being dedicated to adoption related activities. Triathlons are going to be the odd man out probably. I hope to compete in my 5th local hometown tri, and my 4th Chicago Accenture. Not sure yet. I have already registered for the Great Western half marathon in Early May, and for the 2008 Chicago Marathon. There is a new 1/2 marathon in the local area that I'll probably register for (Especially since the course literally goes about 1 block from our house). So keep an eye on the blog, soon, I'll be updating the race links on the right side.
Peace to all this Lenton Season
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thats nice to see..
Yesterday I was picking up E1 at day care, when I saw something that put a smile on my face. My wife and I try to preach and educate others on "Adoption friendly" terms, phrases, etc. Part of that can carry over into children with "adoption friendly" stories and exercises. For example, creating a family tree might seem harmless enough, but it can dredge up painful or hurtful memories for an adopted child. To this end, we donated a couple of "adoption friendly" stories for E1 day care class.
So what warmed my heart? Well I saw a display that shows an activity that the kids did involving one of these books. "A Mother for Choco" by Keiko Kasza. A story about a little bird that felt physical similarities are a prerequisite for a family. Through the Love and support of a Mama Bear, Choco learns that a family is so much more. Check it out. Its a 5 star story for young kids!

Along a different line, Today's reading of the day actually comes from today's readings.
Reading of the Day...
Peace to you on this first Friday of Lent..
So what warmed my heart? Well I saw a display that shows an activity that the kids did involving one of these books. "A Mother for Choco" by Keiko Kasza. A story about a little bird that felt physical similarities are a prerequisite for a family. Through the Love and support of a Mama Bear, Choco learns that a family is so much more. Check it out. Its a 5 star story for young kids!

Along a different line, Today's reading of the day actually comes from today's readings.
Reading of the Day...
Romans 5:19
For just as through the disobedience of one person the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of one the many will be made righteous.
Peace to you on this first Friday of Lent..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
When Life gives you Lemons...
Make Lemonade.
We've had our share of lemons lately, and I must say I think we've done a very good job of making lemonade out of everything being thrown at us.
Kitchen and 2 of 3 bathrooms being remodeled. Exciting!! Being without a kitchen and 2 of 3 bathroom for 6+ weeks. Not terribly exciting.
Cooking pizza on the grill, pretty cool the 1st time. Not so cool after the 2nd time. We are looking forward to breaking in that new oven with a nice turkey!
Getting news about our referral for E-2, AWESOME! Having someone cross the median, head on, and causing an accident. Not so awesome!
Hanging drywall, taping, and mudding the 2nd floor bathroom. Oh thats LOADS of fun. Being all done but the sanding, priming, painting, and tiling. What a relief! Then again, J has to do the painting and the tiling.
Having our laptop crash with over 2 years of family photos, video, and music lots. A huge bucket of lemons! Praying that it would boot just once to be able to offload those pictures and videos, and having the laptop actually respond. Nothing short of a miracle. (pictures and videos saved, but laptop is still hosed).
Having to tear out all of the plumbing in the house (and thus jacking up our plumbing expense). Well that just stinks. Getting a cool $460 bucks from the scrap metal shop for all that solid copper plumbing. A very nice suprise! Having to turn around and spend that $460 on a new set of tires for the family car on the very same day, an unexpected bummer.
Rather than making a stand by going on a hunger strike (though some would think that I have), deciding to make a statement by not shaving until the remodel is done. Admorable. Having to put up with 6+ weeks of itchy, scratchy, trimming, facial maintenance. Well, simply put, its time to shave.
Burning the candle at 4 ends (I bet you didn't know a candle had more than two ends! Well you can also burn it in the middle on two different sides), for almost a month, what a drag (literally). Looking forward to catching up on some sleep (and boy does it look like I need it from that picture), is something I am looking forward to.
We've had a lot of lemons lately. But we've done quite well for ourselves. It would have been very easy to get down on ourselves and let things deteriorate. While its not been a walk in the park, I think we're becoming stronger for it. In time will we see just how.
Ahh Bitter.. but it sure is sweet..
(raising a virtual glass of lemonade) Cheers!!
We've had our share of lemons lately, and I must say I think we've done a very good job of making lemonade out of everything being thrown at us.
Cooking pizza on the grill, pretty cool the 1st time. Not so cool after the 2nd time. We are looking forward to breaking in that new oven with a nice turkey!
Getting news about our referral for E-2, AWESOME! Having someone cross the median, head on, and causing an accident. Not so awesome!
Hanging drywall, taping, and mudding the 2nd floor bathroom. Oh thats LOADS of fun. Being all done but the sanding, priming, painting, and tiling. What a relief! Then again, J has to do the painting and the tiling.
Having our laptop crash with over 2 years of family photos, video, and music lots. A huge bucket of lemons! Praying that it would boot just once to be able to offload those pictures and videos, and having the laptop actually respond. Nothing short of a miracle. (pictures and videos saved, but laptop is still hosed).
Having to tear out all of the plumbing in the house (and thus jacking up our plumbing expense). Well that just stinks. Getting a cool $460 bucks from the scrap metal shop for all that solid copper plumbing. A very nice suprise! Having to turn around and spend that $460 on a new set of tires for the family car on the very same day, an unexpected bummer.
Burning the candle at 4 ends (I bet you didn't know a candle had more than two ends! Well you can also burn it in the middle on two different sides), for almost a month, what a drag (literally). Looking forward to catching up on some sleep (and boy does it look like I need it from that picture), is something I am looking forward to.
We've had a lot of lemons lately. But we've done quite well for ourselves. It would have been very easy to get down on ourselves and let things deteriorate. While its not been a walk in the park, I think we're becoming stronger for it. In time will we see just how.
Ahh Bitter.. but it sure is sweet..
(raising a virtual glass of lemonade) Cheers!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Drywall, Painting and Welcome Bag
Last week we recieved the official paperwork to accept the referral of E-2. E-1 and I went shopping on Friday to pick up a few items for E-2's welcome bag. Our agency allows us to send a gallon size bag with a few items for the child when a family accepts a referral. I was quite excited to go out and pick up a few things for E-2 (besides, of course, the Taggie blanket that I have had for him for the last 6 months!). E-1 seemed excited as well, that is until I mentioned the items were for E-2 and I was faced with a major meltdown in the local Target store. While I dodged rattles and onezees being flung at me from the shopping cart I tried to assure myself that E-1 was just tired and it had nothing to do with the mention of E-2's name. Friday night I sat down to answer the questions posed by our agency regarding the acceptance of our referral. "How do you plan to deal with challenges of bringing another child into your family? Lack of sleep, jelousy of other children in the family, etc. E-1 has a very easy going personality. I don't know too many families that would confidently take a 2 year old for a 3 week vacation in South America that involved 14 different flights! At the same time, I think we both realize that E-1 pretty much has a choker hold on us (well, me in particular, T would probably argue that point). I can honestly say that we will probably be very challenged in the first few months after E-2 comes home while E-1 learns to share mommy and daddy. His easy going personality is accompanied by a strong will. While establishing a bond with E-2, we will also need to be sure we are spending quality one on one time with E-1 as well as including him as mom and dad's helper with the new baby.
On the home remodeling front, drywall on the second floor is moving forward and the kitchen was painted mood indigo and olivine this weekend. Its Mayan Red for the downstairs bathroom tonight and some sanding of drywall and arches in the next few days. The tile is going to be ordered and will hopefully be in soon so the contractor can get that down before the cabinets are in. Its starting to look like a real house as opposed to the disaster zone it has been looking like the last few weeks! One of these days I imagine our homestudy agency will call and ask to set up an appointment to inspect the house (which is required here every 6 months until the baby comes home). I just hope her reminder doesn't pop up for a few more weeks!
On the home remodeling front, drywall on the second floor is moving forward and the kitchen was painted mood indigo and olivine this weekend. Its Mayan Red for the downstairs bathroom tonight and some sanding of drywall and arches in the next few days. The tile is going to be ordered and will hopefully be in soon so the contractor can get that down before the cabinets are in. Its starting to look like a real house as opposed to the disaster zone it has been looking like the last few weeks! One of these days I imagine our homestudy agency will call and ask to set up an appointment to inspect the house (which is required here every 6 months until the baby comes home). I just hope her reminder doesn't pop up for a few more weeks!
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