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Monday, February 4, 2008

Drywall, Painting and Welcome Bag

Last week we recieved the official paperwork to accept the referral of E-2. E-1 and I went shopping on Friday to pick up a few items for E-2's welcome bag. Our agency allows us to send a gallon size bag with a few items for the child when a family accepts a referral. I was quite excited to go out and pick up a few things for E-2 (besides, of course, the Taggie blanket that I have had for him for the last 6 months!). E-1 seemed excited as well, that is until I mentioned the items were for E-2 and I was faced with a major meltdown in the local Target store. While I dodged rattles and onezees being flung at me from the shopping cart I tried to assure myself that E-1 was just tired and it had nothing to do with the mention of E-2's name. Friday night I sat down to answer the questions posed by our agency regarding the acceptance of our referral. "How do you plan to deal with challenges of bringing another child into your family? Lack of sleep, jelousy of other children in the family, etc. E-1 has a very easy going personality. I don't know too many families that would confidently take a 2 year old for a 3 week vacation in South America that involved 14 different flights! At the same time, I think we both realize that E-1 pretty much has a choker hold on us (well, me in particular, T would probably argue that point). I can honestly say that we will probably be very challenged in the first few months after E-2 comes home while E-1 learns to share mommy and daddy. His easy going personality is accompanied by a strong will. While establishing a bond with E-2, we will also need to be sure we are spending quality one on one time with E-1 as well as including him as mom and dad's helper with the new baby.

On the home remodeling front, drywall on the second floor is moving forward and the kitchen was painted mood indigo and olivine this weekend. Its Mayan Red for the downstairs bathroom tonight and some sanding of drywall and arches in the next few days. The tile is going to be ordered and will hopefully be in soon so the contractor can get that down before the cabinets are in. Its starting to look like a real house as opposed to the disaster zone it has been looking like the last few weeks! One of these days I imagine our homestudy agency will call and ask to set up an appointment to inspect the house (which is required here every 6 months until the baby comes home). I just hope her reminder doesn't pop up for a few more weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your style of writing. It is very descriptive and Loving. Everything will work out fine. We Love You!