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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Any way you can get it!.. (right?)

So after being knocked out a few days fighting something off, I suddenly find myself much closer to my weight loss goal. Yeah yeah, I know, just because I didn't eat a few days, that doesn't really count. Well consider it motivation...

I've got a few more projects added to my pile at work, so the 6 week honeymoon is over and its time to deliver. With enough of my plate to last a long time, deadlines suggest it all needs to be done by the end of may. Yikes!

Basement framing, hoping to get some more done this weekend.

Lastly I'll close with a quote from a Lenten Calendar that provides daily and weekly reflections. I thought this was pretty cool.

Sometimes I get sad, but then I feel comfort when I ask God for our health and our children's health. That's a gift from God.
- Margarita, Nicaragua

Do me a favor. Smile to a stranger today, and also Have a Great Day!!


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