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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Splash! and Uuugh!

For the first time since the completion of the 2007 Chicago Accenture Triathlon I went to a pool with the intent to train. After more than 1 year away from competing in triathlons, I registered for a few this years. So I felt it was time to get the feet wet, literally.

I spent 1 hour, with some rest breaks, in the pool. Just going through some basic drills that I remembered from years past. It felt good to be back in the pool, but it didn't take long at all to feel the effect of almost 1.5 years away from swimming.

Arms and shoulders are now sore. The lung capacity isn't there. And to top it all off, towards the end of the hour, I actually began to feel nauseous. No had I been swimming in a lake with waves, I might have expected that, but not in a pool. Its a good thing that I talked myself into going, and taking a break from the basement remodel. Clearly I need to start putting in some training time in the pool.

So how was YOUR Saturday?


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