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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Slow going

A bit slow going in the updates lately. I've been under the weather. Just a quick sync up for those that are anxiously following all that's going on in the household.

- got in my 2nd hour swim on Sunday (prior to getting sick). A good swim, but this facility didn't have any kickboards for personal use, so it was tough to do all the drills.
- got the 2x4 framing started in the basement. I ran out of 2x4s so I needed to get more. Probably have another 1/2 day or so or framing left. So given that I piece together hours to work in it, it still might be a number of days.
- Got E1s "trailer" bike setup. It wouldn't hook up to J's bike, so Papa gets to have E1 bike attached to mine. He had a blast testing it out on Sunday.
- work has suddenly gotten quick busy. we'll see the impact on the rest of life, but there is a lot on my plate right now. Being new to the group and department, I need to deliver to show they can count on me...

more to come as I get healthy and more progress is made..

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