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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Nature of Marriage

Not really a part of the "Reading of the Day..." series I post periodically. But along the same vein. As I read the daily readings for today, I usually follow that up with reading a reflection called "One Bread, One Body" on those readings put out by Presentation Ministries.

Today's reflection on Tobit 2:9-14, I found particularly thought provoking. Especially with some a few couples close to us getting married this summer. They don't really read this blog to my knowledge, but that OK. Even if they aren't thinking about us, we're thinking about and praying for them.

From OBOB reflection on June 2nd, 2009
...Although some of our expectations for husbands and wives are mere cultural biases, some aspects of marriage are established by God's design. Therefore, before we exchange male and female roles, we must take care that we are led by the Holy Spirit in accord with God's word and not manipulated by our ignorance, hurts, or various lobbying groups.

There is such a things as object truth. Marriage is not whatever we want it to be, but it has been created by God to work in a certain way. Husbands and wives are both equal and different. Each has a unique role in developing their marriages to be signs of God's love for the Church...

Have a great day.

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