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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hard to Focus

I have had trouble, in general, since the forum we attended on Western Africa, coming to grips with all that is going on there. Over the last couple of days, a report that finally reached the western world came out of a massacre of over 300 people by a militant group including a 3 year old that was burned to death and men who were tied up and macheted to death. I can't even wrap my head around how someone reaches a point at which human life, the lives of our son's, daughters, sisters, brothers, have no value anymore. I could never figure out during WW2 why so many people just sat by and let the Hi**ler murder so many hundreds of thousands of people. When I was younger, I would always say, why didn't someone do something about that sooner? And then I think back, there wasn't the technology back then that there is now, word traveled very slow. But we sit here today, three months after the massacre (there's technology for ya), and now I wonder if our children will ask us when they grow up why we didn't do anything when hundreds of thousands of women were being raped and thousands of people were being killed.

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