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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

8 Random Things

Following the lead of the other Ethiopian Adoption Blogs, here are 8 random things about me!

1. Glitter freaks me out, I will make hubby open any cards with glitter at Christmas time and get rid of them immediately.
2. About once every 6 months, I dream I have my braces on again from high school and when they go to take them off, all my teeth come out with them. I think I am seriously traumatized.
3. The craziest thing I have ever done was spelunking in an abandoned copper mine.
4. I ate guinea pig in Peru and really enjoyed it. It was kind of like those really thin crab legs, a lot of work for a little meat.
5. I would like to have a retirement home on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
6. I don't know how to properly load a dishwasher and think there should be classes for dishwasher challenged people.
7. I made a Tootsie Roll costume for our chocolate lab. He ROCKed it!
8. I was thinking the other day sitting up in our swingset fort blowing bubbles with my 2 year old son that I was the luckiest mom in the world and that at that moment, there was no place I would have rather been.

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