If you have children, you've surely heard of the Veggie Tales. Our son is a Veggie Tales-a-holic. Rarely does a car ride (veggie tales audio cd) go by, or TV time pass (Veggie Tales on DVD) without our son crying "Bob..... Bob". For Bob the tomato of course.
Part of my nighttime routine with my son is to read his favorite Veggie Tales Stories. The best part of the stories are always the endings which say...
And Remember Kids, God made you special, and he loves you very much
What a wonderful way to end a day, but what a wonderful thought to keep in mind all the time. Anyways, as I finished reading him the Story of Josh and the Big Wall (about Joshua and the Wall of Jericho), the verse from QWERTY was Proverbs 3: 5
Today's Reading of the Day...
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.In the car on the way home from work each day, I spend some time thinking of my family and friends, and the challenges they are facing. As I finishing reading our son that bedtime story, that reading from Proverbs hit the spot. How true, but how difficult. If we could all just put our trust and faith in the load, to rely on him, rather than ourselves. Maybe the challenges that each of us face would be a big easier to handle.
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