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Thursday, June 21, 2007

The first Blow out..

I rode to work yesterday, and as I was about to head home I came to realize that my front tire was flat. Luckily I had both a patch kit, a spare tube, and two cannisters of compressed air (I don't carry a bike pump). That's the first time I've fixed a flat in, gosh, I can't even remember. Maybe since grade school or junior high. Rather than take my chances with the patch, I decided to just use the new tube. I was ..so.. thankful for having two cannisters of air, since the first had nothing left in it. In the end I made it home. I need to get that tire into the bike shop anyway. it seems like one of the spokes might be pushing a bit to much into the tape on the inside of the tire rim.

On another note, I've been getting comments from Jodie about how the temperature in Addis is always triple digits on the widget on the right hand side of this blog. I dont have an explanation why WeatherChannel.com can other report 113 degrees, while AccuWeather and other report close to 80 degrees. Either way, I changed the widget to use AccuWeather. Maybe Addis is not as hot as Jodie and I were thinking? We're checking into it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

.....was your guardian angel watching out for you!!!! Glad your
second canister was full & that you had that spare!