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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

No Update... Update

Well, I guess no news is, well, no news. I checked with our homestudy agency EAAC yesterday and they have not received our State Police Clearance or our DCFS background check. I had heard the State Police clearance was taking a bit. Our agency has faxed a list of names to the State Police of clearances they are waiting for, so it is not just ours. I also understood that the DCFS clearances were taking about 2 week, we have now been waiting a month. I hope these items show up soon so we can have our homestudy update finalized and submit our I-600A.

Last weekend we visited with family for Father's Day. We were able to share our news with some of our extended family. We gave a little package of Ethiopian Fair Trade Coffee to all the dads as well. One funny tidbit from my brother who congratulated us on our paper pregnancy. He said " Congrats on your paper pregnancy, I knew that you were paper pregnant, but I didn't know from where"....ha ha bro, I told him it was the mailman, which I guess is sort of true!

Besides the question of when will you be able to bring him home, a few people asked if we will change his name. I will admit to being a baby name addict, I love playing the name game, posting new names I hear on the fridge for critique by hubby. We played the name game for months with our son from Guatemala. In the end, when we heard the name given by his first mom we knew that we weren't going to change it. Many of the adoptive parents we knew from Guatemala did end up changing their child's name. To this point, we know many many more adoptive parents with children from Ethiopia that have kept the child's name in comparison to parents we know who adopted from Guatemala. I am in love with so many of the Ethiopian names and the meaning behind the names, though I wonder if I am pronouncing them correctly. So for now, I'm up for playing another round the name game, even if it is just for fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jodie & Ted,
How's about sharing some of the
Ethiopian names that you've heard.
I don't know any at all & I'd love to hear some,along with their meaning.


Jodie said...

Thanks for asking JW! Not to be lazy, but because there are so many, you can check out some boys names on this website http://www.myethiopianame.bravehost.com/ethiopianboysname.html
I will admit that I think Dawit would be a really cool name and has always been one of my favorites, hubby like Gabriel. Enjoy!