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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Unexpected Mail

After getting word from our homestudy agency last week that both our State Police clearance and our DCFS background check had been received and they were letting our social worker know that she could finish our homestudy update, we were shocked and surprised by another piece of wonderful news when a nice white envelope came in Monday's mail! We were so happy to see AAI's name of the return address and realized after we tore it open that the contract was enclosed. As I understand, this means we are off the waiting list to start our dossier, which is the document that we will put together that will be sent to Ethiopia. Once AAI receives our contract back, they will be sending us our dossier packet, then the paperchase really begins! We are very excited to be at this next step in the process and are hoping our homestudy arrives soon so that we can put our I-600A in the mail (that is a pre-application with USCIS to bring a foreign orphan into the US).

Needless to say, hubby and I spent last night completing the forms and hoping we signed and filled everything our correctly! (Go Fed-Ex man Go!)

If I were to describe our excitement, I would have to compare it to our 2 yr old's excitement when we pulled into the church parking lot last weekend and he yelled "Yahhhhh Jez" at the top of his lungs (that's "yah Jesus", for those of you that don't speak toddler babble). Yep, that's my sweet boy!


Jenn said...

We got ours yesterday!!! :-) It's a race! :-)

Tasha Kent said...

Awesome that you guys are triathletes! It's my main hobby here in Ohio.

Good luck on your adoption journey!

Jodie said...

Thanks Melissa,
Just to clarify, it is hubby that is the triathlete, I am the pep squad and offical photographer :) I have been trying to get in better shape by biking to work, that is pretty much the extent of my efforts!