After barfing my guts out last weekend and struggling through the work week, tired and worn down, I was very much looking forward to our mini vacation (mini as in just over 1 day long) to the Grizzly Bear Water Park in Utica, Illinois with T's family. It was great to have some time for the boys to hang out with their cousins and we were excited to hear that plans are in the works for a "shores of Lake Michigan" weekend this summer. E2 came down with a terrible case of mommy-itis during the trip and I think I wrenched my shoulder carrying around his not so light self. Both boys had a great time in the water and personally, for me, I would choose this hotel/waterpark over the Wisconsin Dells indoor waterparks anyday. It was not packed to the brim and the rooms were all a reasonable distance from the indoor water adventure. The ones we have been to in the Dells I think have gotten too big to be enjoyable anymore. For small kids, this one was just perfect. I suppose older kids might need the variety of a larger park after awhile, but for me, I can honestly say, this is the first water park that I would not dread going back to. T says he would go back to the Kalahari at the Dells, but definitely liked it more during the off peak time that we went last time.
I have to admit that all weekend, I was thinking about a Sunday hike into the State park, eagles or not, I didn't care. I brought along all the gear I could think of to make sure rain, sleet or snow, we would be able to hike. What I forgot to consider was the status of "I might have had one too many the night before" papa and "I wore myself out earlier in the day at the waterpark" E1. Still, I lead the way to the Starved Rock Lodge and was undeterred by the 2 hour wait for lunch, opting instead to squish a family of 4 in about the space for 2 adults at the bar for hot dogs and french fries. We suited up and out on the terrace I went.....family in tow, looking more like they needed a nap and less like they needed some fresh air. We started down the hundreds of steps into the ravine, about 10 steps down E1 announces "I don't want to be on this hike anymore!" Trying to put the thought that I might have to carry him up those hundreds of stairs to the back of my mind, I try and encourage him telling him we are going to see the eagles, which is met with "I don't want to see the eagles!". Well, the positive mental attitude triumphed that day and not only did we see an eagle, but E1 decided he didn't want to go home quite yet and picked another path for us to walk. I started calling him my little Mighty Mite as he trucked up the hill with great determination. On the way home, I drove and peered around me at 3 snoring boys :)
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