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Monday, January 11, 2010

Smackdown with Mama

For some crazy reason after 4 years of wrestling with Papa, the boys thought it was the night for WWF smackdown with mama. I tried, really I did, but I really don't have the wrestling skills for the goofy fun wrestling extravaganza like papa does. I am far better at snuggling up with the boys to read a book. After about 15 min's of ducking my head thinking my teeth were going to get knocked out by the flying body parts, the boys finally gave up after I accidentally ended up with my finger on E1's eyeball (slimy) and my long nails caught E2 on the cheek when I went to catch him during one of his running dives. Sorry guys... i think you might want to stick with Papa for future smackdowns.

Hubby and I have talked a little today about our family planning and future stuff. I have been thinking a lot lately about this current adoption journey and how it is so different than the other 2. I imagine that the first 2 were a lot like being pregnant where there were a lot of emotions, ups and downs and looking forward with great anticipation. It really was a journey. This adoption has been different, I am not sure why, but I think I am growing tired of the journey part and longing to jump to the end. I have thought some about it and think what it is is that I am tired of the waiting and the paperwork and I just want to be mama to baby girl...right now. I think there is a time in every family's journey where you are growing your family and then a time when you stop growing your family and start raising your family. I am so looking forward to the point in which we are raising our family and I no longer have to be watching adoption boards and planning finances for another adoption. I think T and I are in agreement that there will be another little girl down the road after baby girl, but for tonight, I find myself wishing I was tucking 4little ones in.


Ted said...

Tucking in four eh.. That makes for one heck of a wake-up earlier morning routine. Good thing we redid that 2nd bathroom! One thing seems apparent. The writing is on the wall for the Mini Cooper..

Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side. The difference between Mini and Minivan is only three letters.
