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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Einbah Strasa

One day we said, we are going to finish the basement and put this (insert item obtained in foreign country) on the wall for a decoration. Well, year by year went by and here we are, 11 years later, finally finishing the basement and trying to locate all those "things" we had purchased over the years for decorations. T and I were sure there was a really cool brass lion head we got in Ireland...maybe. And that sign J, remember the Einbah Strasa sign we got in Germany! Boy honey, that was funny...only our second big trip, we were driving around Germany like a bunch of lost tourists when we saw the sign pointing to Einbah Strasa, lets follow it, we decided, it must lead to the center of town, or maybe our hotel! So we followed one sign after another after another until we had gone in a circle a few times.... where the heck is this "Einbah Strasa!". Turns out Einbah Strasa means One Way Street (how many years of German did you say you had honey?). We called eachother "Einbah Strasa" for years after that when either of us did something ditsy. But we actually bought a sign that said that? How cool! What a great decoration! So T gets a wild hair the other day and decides to start looking for the sign and the lion head....He was right, we bought a sign, but the sign doesn't say Einbah Strasa, it says Biergarten. Oh yah, that will be great in the kids playroom! (insert sarcasm here) And so far, the lions head, or what he thought wrapped in paper was the lions head is some silver thing that looks like it should be hanging on a Scottish kilt (that must have been an impulse buy)! Hopefully the Peruvian Sapo game is around here...... somewhere......

1 comment:

Ted said...

Yeah Yeah.. einbahnstrasse.. That lions head is in this house somewhere. I'll find it, once I get a few free minutes. Never ye worry.
As for the Peruvian Sapo game, do we really want kids chucking heavy coins around at a metal frog in any room in the house?