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Monday, February 22, 2010

A biscuit for your basket

With the laminate flooring carefully pulled up. It was time to get to Menards this time, rented the Menards truck since I cant bring home 4x8 sheet goods. 12 3/4 tongue and groove OSB in fact. A couple of very long night getting it cut up and installed. A short break for a baptism in North Central Wisconsin. And it was time to get the floor done.

The fun part about installing the OSB? was jointing the short edges of the wood. There is no tongue and groove. After some research, and some phones calls. The answer was "biscuits". Not having the ability to use biscuits, I ended up with a cost conscience biscuit jointer from the Depot. It was quite, clean, and did the job like a champ. Heck even my mom was excited about it, no sure why she's always wanted to have or use a biscuit jointer.. but there you have it..

With the OSB down, and the laminate already cut, it didn't take long to get the laminate by down. A couple hours tops. The floor looks awesome. And now it feels awesome as well. Its still got a tad of give, that's good. but it doesn't fell like walking on cardboard over shag carpeting.

There were some tricky areas to cut around, but the I-Beam support post was one of the most tricky. Especially given the nature of the flooring with the tile and the grout lines. In order to keep the pattern going, it proved to be quite a challenge. I couldn't be happier how well that turned out. It's blog worthy by itself.

So the flooring is done. The chair rail, baseboard, window and door casing will begin sometime very soon. I've got to snap up the rest of the ceiling after I install some speakers, and do some accent lighting in the windows. Those are the biggest punch list items. So we're almost there.


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